Cahaya Community is a registered charity that takes a holistic perspective towards the concept of social support. We believe in supporting our communities through a set of interconnected programs and initiatives that target a diverse set of stakeholders.

where Community guides the way

Cahaya Community,

What Does Cahaya Mean?

Cahaya Community means 'Light of the Community’

It represents not just the aspirations and hopes of families but also their resilience and determination. We are dedicated to fostering their development and empowering them to reach their goals.

Powered by the unwavering dedication of volunteers, Cahaya Community was founded and continues to thrive through their commitment.

Our Vision

A World Where Everyone Feels Loved And Empowered To Be There For Another Person

Our Mission

To Work With Community And Family To Unlock The Infinite Possibilities Of The Child

Our Impact

300 Children/Youths Engaged

400 Mentorships Sessions Held

150 Families Supported

Our Locations

Kebun Baru

Tuesday & Friday

6.30pm - 8.30pm

Bukit canberra (SPARKS)

Wednesday & Sunday

7.30pm - 9.00pm (Wed)

3.00pm - 5.00pm (Sun)

Canberra (Blossom seeds)


7.00pm - 9.00pm